Exhibition at Ruhr Museum / Zollverein, Essen
05.05.2016 - 28.02.2017
exhibition space: ~1000m²
The exhibition tells the german Ruhr area’s, history of rock and pop from its beginnings till today. The Ruhr area is germany’s former coal-mining area. It shows the most famous and influential concerts like the one of the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, the legendary »Essener Songtage« and those of the »Rockpalast«. The different phases and styles are highlighted beginning with Rock’n’Roll, then Beat to the political protest music, »Krautrock«, Punk, Heavy Metal, »Neue Deutsche Welle«, Techno and Hip Hop. In the centre of the exhibition there is the »black box« – a sound room where you can listen to an accoustic collage of the most famous hits of the local, but also internationally known stars. Aditionally to the tour through sound history in the main room, music equipment, fashion, locations and dance styles are displayed in the exhibition area’s side cabinets.
exhibition concept, architecture and management:
südstudio, stuttgart
Hannes Bierkämper
Maria Marta Murais
Alexander Lang
exhibition graphics:
CLMNZ / Clemens Hartmann, karlsruhe
typographical realisation:
Kommunikationskontor, düsseldorf
Brigida González, stuttgart
CLMNZ / Clemens Hartmann
images by Brigida González:

Floor plan

images by Clemens Hartmann